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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
Healing 治愈 John 4:7-30 Barnabas Feng 10-11-2020 1127
What Jesus offers 主耶稣所给予的 John 4:7-30 Barnabas Feng 10-04-2020 951
Heavenly versus Earthly 属天和属地 John 3:31-36 Barnabas Feng 09-27-2020 1008
The Reason for Joy 因何喜乐 John 3:22-30 Barnabas Feng 09-20-2020 1121
The Essence of The Gospel 福音的本质 John 3:16-18 Barnabas Feng 09-13-2020 1175
The Holy Spirit and The Wind 圣灵与风 John 3:7-8 Barnabas Feng 09-06-2020 1099
Born Again 重生 John 3:1-7 Barnabas Feng 08-30-2020 969
Useless Faith 无用的信心 John 2:23-25 Barnabas Feng 08-23-2020 1005
Jesus Cleanses the Temple 主耶稣洁净圣殿 John 2:13-22 Barnabas Feng 08-16-2020 1285
The Faithful Servant and His Reward 仆人的收获 John 2:1-11 Barnabas Feng 08-09-2020 1178
The Wedding Feast at Cana 迦南的婚宴 John 2:1-11 Barnabas Feng 08-02-2020 1291
Prejudice and Purity 偏见与清心 John 1:43-51 Barnabas Feng 07-26-2020 1169
The Name Jesus Gave Simon 主耶稣给西门改名 John 1:42 Barnabas Feng 07-19-2020 1599
Calling the Disciples 呼召门徒 John 1:35-42 Barnabas Feng 07-12-2020 1214
Baptism of The Lord Jesus 主耶稣受洗 John 1:29-34 Barnabas Feng 07-05-2020 1339
The Lamb of God 神的羔羊 John 1:29 Barnabas Feng 06-28-2020 1359
Grace And Truth 恩典与真理 John 1:14-17 Barnabas Feng 06-14-2020 1169
Children of God 神的儿女 John 1:12-13 Barnabas Feng 06-07-2020 1181
Receive The Lord Jesus 接待主耶稣 John 1:9-11 Barnabas Feng 05-31-2020 1164
The Light of The World 世界的光 John 1:1-11 Barnabas Feng 05-24-2020 1163