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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
What Really Matters 重点是什么 John 20:30-31 Barnabas Feng 05-21-2023 548
Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and yet Believe 没有看见就信的有福了 John 20:24-29 Barnabas Feng 04-23-2023 623
Passing The Light 光的传递 Barnabas Feng 01-15-2023 1162
sunday songs and sermon 活出丰盛的生命 John 10:10 Barnabas Feng 01-01-2023 656
Who Pierced The Lord Jesus 扎主耶稣的人 John 19:31-37 Barnabas Feng 12-18-2022 560
Our Need God’s Grace 人的需要,神的恩典 Luke 23:34 Barnabas Feng 11-20-2022 1025
1148 Jesus Christ And Him Crucified 耶稣基督并祂钉十字架 John 19:16 Barnabas Feng 11-13-2022 821
It Is Finished! 成了! John 19:28-30 Barnabas Feng 11-06-2022 937
Barabbas And The Lord Jesus 巴拉巴与主耶稣 John 18:38-40 Barnabas Feng 10-23-2022 667
Jesus The Misunderstood One 被误解的主耶稣 John 19:6-7 Barnabas Feng 10-16-2022 677
What Is Truth ? 真理是什么? John 18:37-38 Barnabas Feng 10-09-2022 686
Crossing the Brook Kidron 跨过汲沦溪 John 18:1-11 Barnabas Feng 09-25-2022 875
God Loves Us As He Loved Jesus 天父爱我们如同爱主耶稣 John 17:23 Barnabas Feng 09-18-2022 889
All be one (2) 合一(2) John 17:20-23 Barnabas Feng 09-11-2022 709
All Be One 合一 John 17:20-23 Barnabas Feng 09-04-2022 753
Perseverance of the Saints 圣徒蒙神保守(2) John 17:15 Barnabas Feng 08-28-2022 1059
Kept by God 蒙神保守 John 17:9 Barnabas Feng 08-21-2022 756
God‘s Election and Predestination (2) 神的拣选和预定(2) John 6:39 Barnabas Feng 08-14-2022 747
God's Election and Predestination 神的拣选和预定 John 17:6 Barnabas Feng 08-07-2022 928
Pride-The Barrier to Knowing God 骄傲-认识神的障碍 John 17:3 Barnabas Feng 07-31-2022 1088
Knowing God And Eternal Life 认识神与永生 John 17:3 Barnabas Feng 07-24-2022 5807
2022-07-17 The Glorified Christ 得荣耀的基督 John 17:1 Barnabas Feng 07-17-2022 1186
Peace in Suffering 苦难中的平安 John 16:33 Barnabas Feng 07-10-2022 992
BCCC 祷告带来喜乐 John 16:24 Barnabas Feng 07-03-2022 1073
From Sorrow to Joy 从忧愁到喜乐 John 16:22 Barnabas Feng 06-26-2022 942
Holy Spirit and Truth 圣灵与真理 John 16:12-13 Barnabas Feng 06-12-2022 1278
Bearing the Unbearable 担当难以但当的 John 16:12-13 Barnabas Feng 06-05-2022 1220
The Work of The Holy Spirit 圣灵的工作 John 16:7-8 Barnabas Feng 05-29-2022 1253
When Jesus Seems Absent… 当主耶稣离开时 John 16:7 Barnabas Feng 05-22-2022 1383
bccc 为主耶稣作见证 John 15:26-27 Barnabas Feng 05-15-2022 1201
Successful Mothers 成功的母亲 John 16:21 Barnabas Feng 05-08-2022 1009
BCCC 基督徒!你當作被世界討厭的人 John 15:18-25 Barnabas Feng 05-01-2022 1038
Chosen by GOD 被神拣选 John 15:16 Barnabas Feng 04-24-2022 855
BCCC 主耶稣的复活 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Barnabas Feng 04-17-2022 890
The Joy of Jesus And Ours 主耶稣的喜乐和我们的喜乐 John 15:11 Barnabas Feng 04-03-2022 949
The Power of Prayer 禱告的秘訣 John 15:7 Barnabas Feng 03-20-2022 1073
Abiding in Jesus 常在主耶稣里面 John 15:5 Barnabas Feng 03-13-2022 902
Pruning From GOD 神的修剪 John 15:2 Barnabas Feng 03-06-2022 1092
The True Vine 真葡萄树 John 15:1-6 Barnabas Feng 02-27-2022 1019
The Holy Spirit—The Comforter 圣灵保惠师 John 14:16-26 Barnabas Feng 02-20-2022 1115
The Peace That Jesus Gives 主耶稣所赐的平安 John 14:27 Barnabas Feng 02-13-2022 1030
The Path of Blessing 蒙福之路 John 14:23 Barnabas Feng 02-06-2022 890
Not Orphans 不是孤儿 John 14:16-20 Barnabas Feng 01-30-2022 881
Love and Obedience 爱与顺服 John 14:15 Barnabas Feng 01-23-2022 1403
Wishes Come True 心想事成 John 14:13-14 Barnabas Feng 01-16-2022 815
Doing The Greater Works 作更大的事 John 14:12 Barnabas Feng 01-09-2022 1000
The Ordinary King “平凡”的王 Micah 5:2 Barnabas Feng 12-26-2021 1003
Service Whole 服侍与跟从 Abraham Chen 12-05-2021 997
Do You Really Know The Lord Jesus? 你真的认识主耶稣吗? John 14:6-9 Barnabas Feng 11-21-2021 1368
The Way, The Truth, The Life(4) 道路、真理、生命(4) John 14:6 Barnabas Feng 11-14-2021 991