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Title Scripture Date Series Hits
放心吧! 放心吧 Acts 23:11 01-05-2025 BCCC Sermon 50
The Turning Point of Paul’s Life 保罗的人生转折 Acts 22:12-21 12-29-2024 BCCC Sermon 100
Christian Moral Principles (25) 基督徒世界观 Matthew 5:16 12-22-2024 BCCC Sermon 128
Unity 合一 Acts 21:17-26 12-15-2024 BCCC Sermon 150
选择 选择 Acts 21:1-14 12-08-2024 BCCC Sermon 168
Giving and receiving 施与受 Acts 20:35 12-01-2024 BCCC Sermon 146
Do Not Count My Life Dear to Myself 不以性命为念 Acts 20:22-24 11-24-2024 BCCC Sermon 200
Repentance and Faith 悔改与信心 Acts 20:20-21 11-17-2024 认识神 234
Portrait of A Christian 基督徒的模样 Acts 20:17-24 11-10-2024 BCCC Sermon 215
The Riot at Ephesus 以弗所暴乱 Acts 19:23-29 11-03-2024 BCCC Sermon 304
Loss And Gain 失与得 Acts 19:18-20 10-27-2024 BCCC Sermon 227
Three kinds of people 三种人 Acts 18:12-16 10-20-2024 BCCC Sermon 257
与主耶稣同行 与主耶稣同行 Acts 18:9-10 10-13-2024 BCCC Sermon 354
Stop being afraid 不要怕 Acts 18:9-11 10-06-2024 BCCC Sermon 344
Knowing the Unknown God 认识“未识之神” Acts 17:16-17 09-29-2024 BCCC Sermon 459
Turning The World Upside Down 搅动世界 Acts 17:1-6 09-22-2024 BCCC Sermon 375
夜间歌唱 夜间歌唱 Acts 16:22-25 09-15-2024 BCCC Sermon 561
Lydia - Europe 吕底亚-欧洲的第一个基督徒 Acts 16:9-15 09-08-2024 BCCC Sermon 501
Macedonian Voices 马其顿的呼声 Acts 16:9-10 09-01-2024 BCCC Sermon 620
重建大卫的帐幕 重建大卫的帐幕 Acts 15:12-18 08-25-2024 BCCC Sermon 608
freedom 解放 Acts 15:5-11 08-18-2024 BCCC Sermon 431
Saved By Grace Alone 得救唯独靠恩典 Acts 15:11 08-11-2024 BCCC Sermon 489
The difficult road to heaven 通往天国的艰辛之路 Acts 14:22 08-04-2024 Sunday School 610
An evangelist 传福音的人 Acts 14:8-21 07-28-2024 BCCC Sermon 725
The Grace Promised to David 应许给大卫的恩典 Acts 13:34 07-21-2024 BCCC Sermon 901
The Battle For Souls 抢夺灵魂的战争 Acts 13:4-12 07-14-2024 BCCC Sermon 875
The Death of Herod 希律之死 Acts 12:21-24 07-07-2024 BCCC Sermon 688
James Killed And Peter Freed 雅各的死和彼得的得救 Acts 12:1-11 06-02-2024 BCCC Sermon 925
What Is A Christian 谁是基督徒? Acts 11:21-26 05-26-2024 BCCC Sermon 880
Determination And Perseverance 立志与持守 Acts 11:19-24 05-19-2024 BCCC Sermon 812
Mother's Day Message 2024母亲节 Luke 1:46-48 05-12-2024 BCCC Sermon 691
Who am I 我是谁? Acts 11:17 05-05-2024 BCCC Sermon 936
Jesus The Jud 主耶稣是审判主 Acts 10:39-43 04-28-2024 BCCC Sermon 836
Bow Before The Truth 向真理低头 Acts 10 04-21-2024 BCCC Sermon 929
Breakthrough Faith 信心的突破 Acts 10:1-8 04-14-2024 BCCC Sermon 699
Peter's Mistake 彼得的错误 Acts 10:1-16 04-07-2024 BCCC Sermon 801
Dorcas Returned to Life 多加的复活 Acts 9:36-42 03-31-2024 BCCC Sermon 748
Aeneas Healed 以尼雅得医治 Acts 9:32-35 03-24-2024 BCCC Sermon 653
From Saul to Paul 从扫罗到保罗 Acts 9:1-2 03-17-2024 BCCC Sermon 623
The Courage of Barnabas 巴拿巴的勇气 Acts 9:26-31 03-10-2024 BCCC Sermon 627
The First Prayer of Paul 保罗的第一次祷告 Acts 9:10-11 02-25-2024 BCCC Sermon 645
A Useful Vessel for God—Ananias 神合用的器皿—亚拿尼亚 Acts 9:10-19 02-18-2024 BCCC Sermon 658
Raging Bull And Pricks 蛮牛和刺 Acts 9:1-9 02-11-2024 BCCC Sermon 592
What’s Preventing You 有什么妨碍呢 Acts 8:26-40 02-04-2024 BCCC Sermon 577
The Self Delusion Faith 自欺的信仰 Acts 8:9-24 01-28-2024 BCCC Sermon 619
Stephen and Saul(Paul) 司提反和扫罗(保罗) 01-21-2024 BCCC Sermon 739
StephenThe Spirit Filled Man 司提反 Acts 6 01-14-2024 BCCC Sermon 590
A Thriving Church 一个兴旺的教会 Acts 6:1-7 01-07-2024 BCCC Sermon 628
Joy of His disciples 门徒的喜乐 Acts 5:41-42 12-31-2023 BCCC Sermon 772
The Birth of Jesus 主耶稣的降生 Luke 2:11 12-24-2023 Holiday Message 724