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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
Meeting with the Lord 遇见神 Matthew 8:28-34 Barnabas Feng 02-19-2017 1193
Calming the Storm 平静风浪 Matthew 8:23-27 Barnabas Feng 02-12-2017 1306
Following Jesus 跟从主耶稣 Matthew 8:18-22 Barnabas Feng 02-05-2017 1297
Substitution 代替 Matthew 8:17 Barnabas Feng 01-29-2017 1006
The Miracles of Jesus (3) 主耶稣的神迹 Matthew 8:14-15 Barnabas Feng 01-22-2017 1246
The Miracles of Jesus (2) 主耶稣的神迹 Matthew 8:5-13 Barnabas Feng 01-15-2017 1188
Foundation 两种根基 Matthew 7:24-27 Barnabas Feng 10-16-2016 1524
False Peace 假平安 Matthew 7:21-23 Barnabas Feng 10-09-2016 1113
Know Them By Their Fruit 憑著他們的果子,就可以認出他們來 Matthew 7:15-20 Barnabas Feng 10-02-2016 810
The Narrow Gate 窄門 Matthew 7:13-14 Barnabas Feng 09-25-2016 862
The Golden Rule 黄金律 Matthew 7:7-12 Barnabas Feng 09-11-2016 2106
Ask, Seek, Knock 祈求,寻找,叩门 (2) Matthew 7:7-12 Barnabas Feng 09-04-2016 2495
Ask, Seek, Knock (1) 祈求,寻找,叩门 Matthew 7:7-12 Barnabas Feng 08-28-2016 1367
Judge Not 不要论断 Matthew 7:1-6 Barnabas Feng 08-14-2016 943
Seek God's Kingom 求神的国 Matthew 6:25-34 Barnabas Feng 08-07-2016 1278
Don't Worry 不要忧虑 Matthew 6:25-34 Barnabas Feng 07-31-2016 3290
Treasures in Heaven 天上的财宝 Matthew 6:19-24 Barnabas Feng 07-24-2016 2018
The Motives to Love 愛的動機 Matthew 6:1 Barnabas Feng 04-17-2016 685
Love Your Enemies (2) 愛仇敵 Matthew 5:44 Barnabas Feng 04-10-2016 769
Love Your Enemies (1) 愛仇敵 Matthew 5:44 Barnabas Feng 03-20-2016 746
Let Your "Yes" Be "Yes" 是,就說是 Matthew 5:37 Barnabas Feng 03-13-2016 787
Put Away 捨棄 Matthew 5:29-30 Barnabas Feng 03-06-2016 788