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Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
Those Who Were Being Saved 得救的人 Acts 2:36-47 Barnabas Feng 09-03-2023 639
The Birth of The Church 教会的诞生 Acts 2:36-47 Barnabas Feng 08-27-2023 743
The Heart Piercing Words 扎心的话 Acts 2:14 Barnabas Feng 08-20-2023 745
The Coming Of The Holy Spirit 圣灵降临 Acts 2:1-8 Barnabas Feng 08-13-2023 605
The 12th Apostle 第十二个使徒 Acts 1:15-26 Barnabas Feng 08-06-2023 660
Prayer Meeting 祷告会 Acts 1:12-14 Barnabas Feng 07-30-2023 686
The Ascension and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ 主耶稣的升天与再来 Acts 1:9-11 Barnabas Feng 07-23-2023 658
Witnesses of The Lord Jesus 主耶稣的见证人 Acts 1:8 Barnabas Feng 07-16-2023 583
After Jesus is Gone 主耶稣升天之后…… Acts 1:6-11 Barnabas Feng 07-09-2023 730
Facing an Unknown Future 面对未知的明天 Acts 1:3-9 Barnabas Feng 07-02-2023 642
Following The Lord Jesus 跟从主耶稣 John 21:17-22 Barnabas Feng 06-25-2023 594
2023 Father's Day 2023 父亲节 Joshua 24:15 Barnabas Feng 06-18-2023 751
Do You Love Me 你爱我吗? John 21:15-19 Barnabas Feng 06-11-2023 574
Meet The Lord Jesus 遇见主耶稣 John 21:3-15 Barnabas Feng 06-04-2023 614
Fishers of Man 得人渔夫 John 21:3-6 Barnabas Feng 05-28-2023 616
Prepare to meet Thy God 2023 Proverbs 1:7-9 Barnabas Feng 05-14-2023 527
Growing in Christ 在基督里长进/成长 John 20:31
Ephesians 4:13
2 Peter 3:18
Abraham Chen 05-07-2023 474
Thomas' Confession 多马的宣告 John 20:24-29 Barnabas Feng 04-30-2023 484
The Lord Jesus in The Midst of Disciples 主耶稣在门徒中间 John 20:19-21 Barnabas Feng 04-16-2023 640
Seeking Peace 追求和睦 Hebrews 12:14 Abraham Chen 04-02-2023 525
Enter the Love of God 進到神的愛裏 Simon Zhang 03-19-2023 537
Blessed People 有福的人 Matthew 5:3-10 Fwu-Shan Shieh 03-12-2023 613
BCCC 因着信(2) Hebrews 11:1 Abraham Chen 03-05-2023 1044
因着信 By Faith Hebrews 11:1-7 Abraham Chen 02-26-2023 616
The Sovereign Lord is my strength 主耶和华是我的力量 Paul Fang 02-19-2023 658
Serving and Growing 服事与成长 1 Timothy 1:12-16 Abraham Chen 02-12-2023 647
Running to the Empty Tomb 跑向空坟墓 John 20:1-8 Barnabas Feng 02-05-2023 620
Secret of Ageless Ageing “冻龄”的秘密 Joshua 14:10-11 Barnabas Feng 01-29-2023 2057
Healing Therapy 疗愈 Hebrews 12:1 Barnabas Feng 01-22-2023 1015
Words Of Comfort 安慰的话 Psalm 119:49-50 Barnabas Feng 01-08-2023 664
How to Love One Another 怎样彼此相爱 John 15:12-13 Barnabas Feng 04-10-2022 710
The Love of Heavenly Father 天父的爱 John 15:9 Barnabas Feng 03-27-2022 773
Cut Off Our Idols And Return to God 去除偶像,归回真神 Colossians 3:2-5 Barnabas Feng 01-02-2022 694
Come to the front of God 來到神的面前 Abraham Chen 07-25-2021 1221
The Pain and Joy of Motherhood 母亲的乐与痛 Genesis 3:16 Barnabas Feng 05-09-2021 1188
Easter Message 复活节 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 Barnabas Feng 04-04-2021 928
How Do We Know God’s Will 怎样明白神的旨意? Ephesians 5:15-17 Barnabas Feng 01-10-2021 947
The Unchanging Truth for Uncertain Times 变化的时代与不变的真理 Matthew 24:35 Barnabas Feng 01-03-2021 1083
Father’s Day Message 父亲节信息 Proverbs 20:7 Barnabas Feng 06-21-2020 1450
In Him Is Life 生命在祂里头 John 1:1-5 Barnabas Feng 05-17-2020 1277
Blessed Morther 有福的母亲 Luke 1:46-48 Barnabas Feng 05-10-2020 1153
The Unchanged Message 不变的信息 Luke 24:44-48 Barnabas Feng 04-26-2020 1136
Burning Hearts 火热的心 Luke 24:13-35 Barnabas Feng 04-19-2020 1145
Thomas Encounters The Risen Lord 多马与复活的主 John 20:24-29 Barnabas Feng 04-12-2020 1137
Marked with death 死的印记 Luke 23:46 Barnabas Feng 04-05-2020 1193
How to Be a Prepper? 怎样作准备? Luke 21:34-36 Barnabas Feng 03-22-2020 1223
The Parable of The Unjust Steward 不义管家的比喻 Luke 16:1-15 Barnabas Feng 02-23-2020 1603
Working with God 与神同工 Mark 4:26-29 Barnabas Feng 11-24-2019 1260
The Great Commision (3) 大使命(3) Matthew 28:18-20 Barnabas Feng 11-10-2019 1292
The Great Commision 大使命 Matthew 28:18-20 Barnabas Feng 11-03-2019 1275