
In memory of the Ada County deputy Tobin Bolter who was killed in the line of duty on April 20, 2024. He died at Age 27. We are greatly touched by the beautiful testimony of Tobin as a Christian. He centered his whole life on one great unifying passion: the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he lived his life for the purpose of glorifying God who had made Tobin, saved Tobin and now received Tobin to heaven to be with Him forever. As a local Chinese church, we translated the sermon on Tobin's Memorial Service into Chinese and made this video, hoping that more and more people will be able to know and obtain the glorious life that Tobin had testified.

纪念 2024 年 4 月 20 日在爱达荷州首府博伊西殉职的警察托宾.博尔特。托宾殉职时仅27岁,但他作为基督徒的美好见证深触我们的心。托宾一生最热爱的一件事就是传扬耶稣基督的福音,他的一生都是为了荣耀上帝而活,上帝创造了托宾,拯救了托宾,现在又将托宾接到天堂,永远与祂同在。作为当地的华人教会,我们将托宾的追思礼拜牧师的一段讲道翻译成中文,并制作了这段视频,希望越来越多的人能够认识并获得托宾所见证的荣耀生命。

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